Course Syllabus

Language & Composition B Syllabus

Mrs. Angie Mason                       Phone: 262-258-5824                    Email:

Course Description

The central purpose of this course is to offer students an engaging learning experience, equip them for future scholarly endeavors, and provoke their growth as readers, writers, thinkers, and communicators. We will hone many communication skills, including: reading comprehension, literary analysis, writing, listening, speaking, discussing, using language, increasing and improving vocabulary, and using media and technology.

Students will apply these skills as they continue to increase their abilities as creative and critical thinkers. The goal of this course is for students to exhibit their ability to meet grade-level expectations by successfully completing embedded course assessments, including writing on demand. 

Through our classroom readings and activities, we will be able to answer the following Essential Questions:

  • Why do we tell stories? How do the lies of fiction reveal the truths of humanity?
  • How do key life events reveal, or shape, character?
  • How do we evaluate multiple perspectives to come up with solutions?

Units for this course:

  • The Things They Carried, a novel by Tim O’Brien
  • Research Project
  • College Essays or Professional Cover Letters


Required Materials

In order to be successful in this course and fully participate in all learning experiences, students should have the following items in class every day:

  • Laptop - charged before class every day
  • Binder OR Folder/Notebook (whatever you prefer)
  • Writing utensils



Grading Breakdown  

80% of the Trimester Grade will calculate based on the following percentages (aka “Grade Book Grade”):

  • 40% - Formative work (including in-class projects and activities, homework, etc.)
  • 60% - Summative work (including essays, projects, and grammar quizzes)

20%  of the Trimester Grade will be based on the final exam



It is my expectation that you attend class on time each class period. Your presence, mind and body, is essential to your success in this class. I expect that work is completed and turned in according to deadlines. Your timeliness will result in meaningful learning and feedback from me. You will always know when work is due as it will be posted in multiple places in the classroom, online and often on the assignments you receive.

Should you miss class, please first check Canvas and the day’s learning module to make up your missing work. If you need to speak directly to me regarding missing/late work, please do so before or after the bell rings or during an arranged meeting time. It is your responsibility to get your missing work and turn it in. Two days per excused absence will be given to make up missed work. You are responsible for finding out what is due if you are gone.



Some formatives are graded based on quality. Some formatives are graded based on completion.


Extension Policy  

Students may proactively request an extension previous to the day the assignment is due, and extensions will be granted based on situation and teacher discretion.


Late Work

  • Summative Late Work
    • If submitted within 5 days of the due date, there will be a 10% penalty
    • If submitted more than 5 days late, we will accept it but the max grade is an 80%
  • Formative Late Work
    • Completion late work will be taken if it’s still relevant
    • 10% off



  • Revisions built into the writing process - no revisions are allowed after final due dates
  • On any summative quiz addressing grammar and language skills, students will have the opportunity to make corrections with explanations to earn ½ credit back. Must be done in my classroom. (This does not include reading quizzes).



The purpose of this class is for you to grow as a reader, writer, and critical thinker; therefore, it is imperative that you complete your assignments. Under no circumstances, may you “share” your work for a friend to copy and vice versa. This, and or copying work from another source, including a person outside of this class or the internet, is plagiarism. Homestead High School does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. Copying/sharing your work to be copied will result in swift consequences including an administrative referral, a conference with your parents, and automatic zeros for plagiarized assignments. Think twice before sharing your work with a friend who’s asking to see it.



Per district policy, if a student is quarantined due to Covid-19, I will email the student a Zoom link so you may listen into the lessons each day. Logging into Zoom is optional. While attendance in Zoom will not be taken, it is a quarantined student’s responsibility to check our daily modules in Canvas to make up missed assignments. Quarantined students are encouraged to email or set up a time to Zoom with me as questions arise. 



Plan on using the restroom during your passing time in between classes or during lunch. On an emergency basis, I will issue restroom passes during class, preferably not during teacher instruction. When using the restroom, fill out the blue restroom pass and request my initials on the pass. Leave your cell phone zipped in your backpack in the classroom when you go to the restroom. You must use the restroom in the 300 wing. Only one student may use the restroom at a time. 


Phone & Personal Computer Policy

  • All students should come to class with a charged laptop/Chromebook. If you forget it, it is your responsibility to request a loaner Chromebook in your first hour class.
  • Prior to the bell, your phone should be silenced and zipped into a closed compartment in your backpack or purse where you cannot see, hear, or interact with it. 
  • No one is allowed to bring their phone to the restroom. Place it in the designated area on your way out. 
  • The only time a cell phone should be visible in the classroom learning environment is if the teacher has instructed you to use it for a learning purpose. 
  • If you have a personal emergency that you believe requires use of your cell phone, please ask for a pass to go to the student office. 
  • Laptops should only be open if the teacher has communicated directions regarding a digital task requiring its use. 
  • The ‘first warning’ is discussion of the class policy. If a teacher sees a phone, it goes into the phone pocket in my room. If the student refuses to comply with the request, in adherence with the schoolwide policy, teachers will deliver the phone to the appropriate administrator. Per Homestead policy, if your phone is confiscated two times in a trimester across all your classes, you will lose the ability to exempt any exams.


Classroom Philosophy

Work hard; treat one another well. If you can follow this philosophy, you’ll be very successful in my classroom.